Just Tick Keep Broken File And Extract.

This error message could be generated by any of the below reasons.

1. During the transmission of the file it became corrupt or bad
2. The file was sent inappropriately
3. The device being opened from is bad or contains errors
4. The file itself is bad or the program attempting to open the file is bad.

* Download the file again.
* Reinstall the program being used to open the file
* Attempt to open with a different program
* If the file is on the hard disk drive, run scandisk / defrag
* Assume the file is bad and cannot be recovered

*Download Guna IDM.. Korang Ble Nmpk Transfer Rate Kn. Masalah Rar File Rosak Bila Internet Korang Stop. Transfer Rate 0 Byte. Itu Yg Menyebabkan File Rar Rosak. Ikut Step Kat Atas Tick Keep Broken File. Mmg Rar File Ttp Rosak But At Least Ble Tgk Movie.

Okay. Thats It. If Still Have Problem With The Rar File Just Identified Which Part Is Broken And Let Me Know.