Carrie Mitchell (Daryl Hannah) is en route to her new life in Salem, Maine. After stopping at a lonely gas bar, she has a rather strange conversation with a hulking gas station attendant in which he warns her that the roads are bad, but she continues on towards her destination. Suddenly, from out of the woods staggers Amy Singer, injured and scared! Carrie pulls over to help, and her young passenger begins to tell Carrie a horrifying story of what befell her and her friends in the woods. Through a series of flashbacks we witness the horrific events of Amy and her colleagues who days earlier were out on an environmental studies trip for college. They were camped in the forest excavating what they believed was an ancient Indian burial site, and they unearth arrowheads, and native artifacts which lead to ancient bone fragments, when they then find an arm bone, with a Rolex watch still attached around the wrist, It suddenly dawns on the group that they have discovered a burial ground, but not the type they were seeking!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3